Saturday, April 6, 2019
Ladies, on April 6th, join the Women of the Way as we attend this powerful event alongside thousands of other women to hear practical, biblical teaching from Priscilla Shirer and praise and worship music from Anthony Evans. It is sure to be an uplifting time! Wear your WOW t-shirt as we represent DWBC!
GROUP RATE PRICING: $65 per person (EVENT TICKET ONLY, sales tax included). This is a $20 discount off of the regular ticket price. $82 per person (Event ticket PLUS meal ticket, sales tax included). Deadline for group pricing is Sunday, February 17th. Payment is due at the time of registration with no refunds. Register at the table in the I-65 foyer now through February 17th. Women of the Way t-shirts will also be available at tables for $10.
Main Campus
3661 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36608